Rafael Mendez - Watch this video first!
All Trumpet Players should have their own copy of the Arbans Conservatory Method for Trumpet. We will be working out of this book all 4 years of high school. This book contains proven method of trumpet playing. CLICK HERE TO ORDER YOUR BOOK. You can also use a digital copy located here for a limited time.
Arbans Book
Arbans Lesson - Use th
Long Tones - Pg18 #1 - Hold each note for 8 or 18 counts
Slurs - Pg 48 #16,17, 18 (Pick One) - #16 Example/Playalong - #17 Example/Playalong - #18 Example/Play Along
Articulation - Pg 35 #19,20,21(Pick One) - #19 Example - #20 Example - #21 Example
Legato - pg 212 #3 - Example
All Trumpet Players should have their own copy of the Arbans Conservatory Method for Trumpet. We will be working out of this book all 4 years of high school. This book contains proven method of trumpet playing. CLICK HERE TO ORDER YOUR BOOK. You can also use a digital copy located here for a limited time.
Arbans Book
Arbans Lesson - Use th
Long Tones - Pg18 #1 - Hold each note for 8 or 18 counts
Slurs - Pg 48 #16,17, 18 (Pick One) - #16 Example/Playalong - #17 Example/Playalong - #18 Example/Play Along
Articulation - Pg 35 #19,20,21(Pick One) - #19 Example - #20 Example - #21 Example
Legato - pg 212 #3 - Example