Dates/TimesWe are very excited to make preparations for a full return to the upcoming marching band season including Friday night football games, band competitions, and band trips! Please take note of the following dates.
Summer Rehearsal Dates Drumline, Tuba, Falconette Camp - Tuesday, July 13th & Thursday July 15th, 5PM to 8PM Band Camp (ALL BAND STUDENTS & FALCONETTES)
THE LOCATION FOR CAMPS WILL BE ANNOUNCED SOON DUE TO CONSTRUCTION ON THE PHS CAMPUS. We are anticipating the camp location will be locally in Mableton. Stay tuned to the band's social media outlets, band Remind, and band website ( for updated information. |
Band Fees
Band shirt, shoes, gloves, hat, mask Formal uniform dry-cleaning, maintenance, repair & major alterations Drill & Choreography design School-owned instrument maintenance/repairs Hydration at rehearsals and performances Marching Band instructional staff Music You will Click the Links Above and to the Right to Make Your payments by the dates below. Freshmen/Sophmore/Drum Major Fee - $325 -(3-month plan) June 7th $50 deposit, July 1st $125, August 1st $150 Returning Member Fee (Juniors/Seniors) - $275 -(3-month plan) June 7th $50 deposit, July 1st $100, August 1st $125 (Drum majors will be required to pay the new member fee of $325 to pay for white band shoes/gloves/headbands) |
How to Pay Band FeesEVERYONE CLICK HERE TO PAY THE $50 DEPOSIT - Deposit is due by June 5th
Returning Members CLICK HERE TO PAY Final 2 payments 2nd Payment - July 1st 3rd Payment - August 1st *New Members CLICK HERE TO PAY Final 2 payments 2nd Payment - July 1st 3rd Payment - August 1st *ALL FRESHMEN AND SOPHOMORES WILL PAY THE NEW MEMBER FEE as they are in need of new member items for this year. Lastly, we ask band students working this summer to share these dates with their jobs ASAP as attendance at band camp is mandatory. |